Chair: Mary Beth McAteer
Purpose: To promote the Academy of Health Information Professionals in the chapter by sharing information about the academy and encouraging membership.
Purpose: To plan, organize and run the annual meeting.
Chair: Vacant
Members: none
Purpose: To establish and maintain control of the working papers of the organization.
Chair: Sola Whitehead
Purpose: To insure a functional set of bylaws that govern and regulate the organization of PNC/MLA.
Chair: Ekaterini Papadopoulou
Purpose: To facilitate communicate between members and with other organizations.
Co-chairs: Molly Montgomery and Kristin Whitman
Chairs of immediate past Annual Meetings: Kathryn Vela, Electra Enslow
Members: Gregg Whitmore, Sara Loree, Karly Vesely, Ben Bolin, Elizabeth Wright, Mary Beth McAteer, Kris Alpi, Ekaterini Papadopoulou, Liisa Rogers
Purpose: To provide consulting and resources for annual conference planning committees.
Chair: Mary Anne Hansen and Seema Bhatka
Members: Nancy Shin, Kathryn Vela, Seema Bhakta, Mary Anne Hansen, Basia Delawska-Elliott, Jay Hungerford, Ekaterini Papadopoulou, Sigrid Brudie; Carolyn Martin, Julie Day
Purpose: To promote and support diversity.
Chair: Karri Alderson
Purpose: To foster awareness of the governmental processes and activities as they relate to PNC/MLA and its membership.
Chair: Molly Montgomery
Members: Sally Bremner (Alaska); Helen Robertson (B.C. and Alberta); Kathy Fatkin (ID); Mary Anne Hanson (MT); Beverly Schriver (OR); Mary Beth Simiele and Betsy Bartholomew (WA).
Purpose: To assist the Membership Secretary in recruiting members in their states.
Purpose: To develop liaisons with students and new librarians with experienced medical librarians; to provide information on medical library opportunities such as internships and practicum; and to encourage potential library school students to consider medical librarianship.
Candidate: Loree Hyde [2019]; Vacant [2018]; Heidi Sue Adams [2016]; Gail Kouame [2015]; Beth Hill [2014]; Jackie Wirz [2013]; Heidi Sue Adams [2012]
Purpose: PNC/MLA candidate for MLA Nominating Committee. Committee prepares annually a slate of nominees for president-elect and for each director elected by the membership at large whose term expires. (Explanation of MLA Nominating Committee Process)
Chair: Vacant
Purpose: To name slate of candidates for chapter offices and to conduct chapter elections.
Chair: Carolyn Martin
Members: Andrea Ball (WA) and Diana Louden (WA)
Purpose: To assess need for, plan, offer and evaluate continuing education programs for PNC/MLA members.
Goals | Reports
Chair: Basia Delawska-Elliott
Members: Electra Enslow (WA), Mary Beth McAteer (WA)
Purpose: To support LIS students interested in health sciences librarianship and promote the growth of the profession.
Purpose: Responsible for investigating emerging technologies, informing members of potential uses, and integrating appropriate technologies into the PNC/MLA web site and communications.
Charge | Reports