Pacific Northwest Chapter
of MLA

Nominations for 2025 Board are now open - as of July 27th, we have three open positions in need of nominees: 

  • Recording Secretary
  • Treasurer Elect 
  • Chair Elect

For more information on position responsibilities and scope, see the position descriptions below. 

To add your name to the running, please fill out this short form

    Responsibility Manual for Board Members and Committee Chairs
    Last updated: December 2018 (reviewed April 2020)


    Executive Board Positions
    Officers take office January 1st of the upcoming year.

    Other PNC/MLA Officers and Committee Chairs

    Executive Board Positions


    Responsible to:


    Elected by:



    1 year
    Requires a 3 year commitment:
    Year 1 as Chair-Elect; year 2 as Chair; year 3 as Past-Chair


    MLA member
    Preferred prior board or committee experience


    Consults with the Treasurer before the spring board meeting on preparation of the annual budget before it is submitted to the Executive Board for approval.

    Prepares goals for the year and submits to Executive Board for approval. Goals should be guided by the PNC/MLA MAP, and the MLA strategic plan. Submits a copy of the goals to MLA headquarters by the deadline stated in the MLA Chapter Chair Manual.

    Provides assistance and advice to the Program Chair for that year's annual meeting.

    Forms ad hoc committee(s) as necessary.

    Writes two Chapter reports (midwinter and annual) for MLA, by deadline stated in MLA Chapter Chair Manual Reports section. Sends copies to website master to be added to Reports and Minutes webpage.

    Communicates with webmaster to update PNCMLA website as needed.

    Chairs two board meetings (spring and fall) per year and one business meeting. Other online meetings are at chair's discretion.

    Directs the review and any necessary revisions of minutes of the Executive Board meetings and the annual business meeting.

    Attends Chapter Chair Roundtable and New Leaders meetings of MLA, if attending.

    Subscribes to Chapter Chair listserv.

    Attends state/provincial health libraries meetings, depending on availability of funds.

    Invites committee chairs to attend and report at each Executive Board meeting.

    Time Line for Chair

    (updated November 2018)


    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    1 year
    Requires a 3 year commitment:
    Year 1 as Chair-Elect; year 2 as Chair; year 3 as Past-Chair


    MLA member


    Assumes the duties of the Chair in the event of a vacancy in that office.

    Contacts committee chairs to see if they need assistance obtaining committee members and if they are willing to continue as chair and presents to the Executive Board for approval by March 1st of the year they are Chair.

    As soon as possible after taking office January 1st, sends out to all officers and committee chairs their respective portion of the Responsibility Manual and the MAP, highlighting the sections of the MAP pertinent to their committee or office.

    In conjunction with the board, solicits bids for the next unscheduled annual meeting. Sends selected committee chair the conference planning manual and assists committee as necessary. Serves as a member of the Program Planning Committee for the meeting to be held during the year they will be Chair.

    Attends all Executive Board meetings.

    Attends the New Leaders meeting and Chapter Chairs Roundtable at MLA, if able to attend.

    (Updated November 2018)


    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    1 year
    Requires a 3 year commitment:
    Year 1 as Chair-Elect; year 2 as Chair; year 3 as Past-Chair


    MLA member


    Serves as Chair of the Nominating and Elections Committee. Selects members for that Committee, subject to approval of the Executive Board (see Chair, Nominating, and Elections Committee section in Committee Responsibility Manual).

    Promptly after the election, forwards a listing of the next year's Chapter officers to MLA Headquarters.

    Attends all Executive Board meetings.

    Advises and assists the Chair, as requested.

    Reviews and revises Responsibility and Procedures Manuals annually. Once approved by the Executive Board, forwards the updated Responsibility Manual to the Web Editor to post on the members’ only PNC/MLA web site.

    (updated November 2018)

    Chapter Council Alternate

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    3 years


    MLA member
    Preferred prior board or committee experience.


    Assists the Chapter Council Representative in communicating chapter concerns to the MLA chapter Council and potentially, through the Chapter Council Chair, to the MLA Board.

    Attends all Chapter Council meetings, if possible, and assists the Chapter Council Representative in representing the chapter on the Chapter Council.

    May serve on a standing or ad hoc Chapter Council committee.

    Attends all Executive Board meetings.

    Communicates MLA and Chapter Council issues to the Executive Board, in absence of the Chapter Council Representative.

    Assists the Chapter Council Representative in communicating MLA and Chapter Council issues to the chapter membership.

    Receives $1000, if needed, to attend the MLA annual conference for the third year of their term.

    (updated November 2018)

    Chapter Council Representative

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    3 years


    MLA member
    Preferred prior board or committee experience.


    Represents and communicates chapter concerns to the MLA Chapter Council and potentially, through the Chapter Council Chair, to the MLA Board.

    Attends all Chapter Council meetings and represents the chapter on the Chapter Council at the annual MLA meeting. At these meetings, the representative typically votes on issues presented to council, participates in council deliberations and responds on behalf of the chapter to matters which affect it.

    Implements Chapter Council decisions and gathers information for Council as required. Serves on at least one standing or ad hoc Chapter Council committee and may, if appointed, serve as Chair of the council.

    Submits a midwinter and annual report as representative for the chapter to the Chapter Council. If a Chapter Council Committee Chair, submits a midwinter and annual report.

    Ensures the selection of an MLA Nominating Committee nominee from the chapter and submits biographical form to the MLA Elections Committee. Elects from candidates put forward from chapters a maximum of six candidates for MLA Nominating Committee.

    Elects from among the MLA Chapter Council membership a Chairman-Elect of the Council. This person subsequently becomes Chair the following year and serves for a period of three years.

    Keeps chapter officers informed of all significant business and events emanating from the Chapter Council.

    Attends all Executive Board meetings.

    Communicates MLA and Chapter Council issues to the Executive Board and sends copies of all Chapter Council mailings to Chapter Council Alternate and Chapter Chair.

    (updated November 2018)

    Membership Secretary

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    3 years


    MLA member


    The Membership Secretary/Chair serves as a member of the PNC Executive Board and is expected to attend all Board and Business Meetings.

    Maintains the Chapter membership database in Wild Apricot.  Archives and merges records as appropriate.  Reviews membership records to ensure that lapsed members who have reinstated their memberships have the correct renewal date.

    Approves new members within the Wild Apricot database when payment is received by the Treasurer.  Ensures that new and renewing members receive a note acknowledging their membership and the benefits of membership.

    Assists new and renewing members, Board members, and committee chairs with membership-related questions. 

    Prepares and submits a Membership Committee Report during the PNC Spring and Fall Board Meetings and the Annual Business Meeting. Submits a copy of these reports to the PNC website following these meetings.

    Updates the Membership Application/Renewal Form when necessary. Reviews, edits, and updates automated messages sent by Wild Apricot to the membership.

    Supplies PNC Membership mailing lists to PNC officers, committee chairs, MLA Membership Committee, and other MLA Chapter representatives when requested.

    Conducts a membership renewal drive during the month of December for the following calendar year.  The membership renewal drive should include a drawing for "Early Bird Renewal" prizes for those PNC members who renew by December 31. 

    Conducts a second membership renewal drive in June, contacting just those people who did not renew at the turn of the calendar year.

    Works with the Registration Chair for the Annual Meeting.

    Recruits a committee member from each state to work on membership renewal and recruitment in his/her state.

    Reviews committee interests indicated by new and renewing members in the Membership Application/Renewal form.  Shares committee interests with Board members and committee chairs as appropriate.

    Administers awards of one free 1-year PNC/MLA student membership to a student at each of the following Schools of Library/Information Science: University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, Emporia State University, and University of Washington. Each school will select a student to receive the free membership.

    Serves as a member of MLA's Membership Committee. (3-year commitment)

    (updated November 2018)

    Recording Secretary

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    1 year


    MLA member


    Attends and keeps minutes of all Executive Board meetings. Reviews draft minutes with Chair within two weeks. Distributes minutes to all Board members and other appropriate recipients within 3 weeks for corrections and additions. Distributes corrected minutes to Board members if necessary.

    Attends and keeps minutes of the Chapter's business session at the annual meeting. Reviews draft minutes with Chair within 3 weeks. Distributes copies of minutes to all Board members and other appropriate recipients.

    Maintains current text of the Chapter bylaws in cooperation with Bylaws Committee.

    Sends copies of approved minutes of Board and business meetings to the PNC/MLA Web Editor, or uploads the approved minutes directly to the PNC/MLA members’ only website. Conducts an at least annual review of the working documents in the Google Team Drive, and with the assistance of the web master, archives all final documents in relevant locations on the members’ only PNC/MLA web site.

    (Updated November 2018)


    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    1 year
    Requires a 3 year commitment:
    Year 1 as Treasurer-Elect; year 2 as Treasurer; year 3 as Past-Treasurer


    MLA member


    Maintains the financial records of the Chapter including management of the account(s) to obtain the best interest rates available, pay all invoices in a timely manner and keep accurate records of income and withdrawals. Follows MLA Chapter Business Guidelines (

    Rents a post office box or obtains other mailing address separate from the employee's institution for receipt of PNC correspondence and checks to insure that they are received by the Treasurer, and not someone else in their employing institution.

    Stays abreast of any changes that might affect the Chapter's tax exempt, incorporation and reporting status, in consultation with the MLA Business Manager. Provides information as needed to IRS, accountant or others as designated.

    Observes year-to-year trends in revenue and expenses to forecast future shortfalls or surpluses. Advises Executive Board of organization's financial health and works with the Board on long-range strategies to manage finances.

    Prepares annual budget, in cooperation with the Chair, before submission for approval to the Executive Board before the Spring Board Meeting. Forwards a copy of the approved budget to the Webpage editor to publish on the member’s only chapter website.

    Prepares and presents a financial report for the Annual Business meeting, the Executive Board meetings and others as requested by Chair.

    Receives and keeps a record of membership dues payments and send dues acknowledgments. Send new member or renewal forms (or equivalents) to Membership Secretary at least once a month.

    Attends all Executive Board meetings.

    Attends appropriate MLA functions for Chapter Treasurers, if attending MLA.

    Periodically appoint a person, a member or other qualified person, to conduct an independent review (audit) of financial records. (Ideally, this should occur at least every two years and upon transfer of office). The review should include looking at the past year's bank statements, budgets, and financial reports to determine if:

    • Cash and checks are deposited promptly into the Chapter's bank account(s);
    • Timely bank reconciliations are conducted;
    • Paid expense reports and invoices have the proper authorizations and account numbers, and none are unpaid or paid twice;
    • All disbursements and pre-numbered checks are recorded;
    • All reimbursements are approved with two board member signatures or via email with documentation kept for both
    • Totals for the checking account and the financial statement agree; and
    • Recorded balances in financial statements are compared with budgeted amounts periodically and unusual relationships investigated and explained to chapter officers.

    At end of term as Treasurer, instructs new Treasurer on procedures.

    (updated November 2018)


    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    One year as elect, to transition to Treasurer in the second year of term


    MLA member


    Review and organize the paper and electronic record. Update and or maintain fiscal documents.

    Maintain the account and respond to inquiries. 

    Learn policy and procedures of treasurer duties such as maintaining the PayPal account, creating and maintaining an annual budget

    Learn how to track membership fiscal data to assist the membership chair

    File tax documents, as requested, with MLA and if needed with the financial institution

    Set up a PO box and bank or credit union account three months before transitioning to Treasurer

    At end of term, and upon becoming Treasurer, instructs new Treasurer Elect on procedures.

    (updated November 2018)

    Immediate Past-Treasurer

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    One year


    MLA member


    Serves as a mentor for Treasurer and steps in as needed for assistance to either Elect or Treasurer. If Treasurer cannot fulfill duties, maintain Treasurer responsibilities including being a voting board member.

     (updated November 2018)

    Other PNC/MLA Officers and Committee Chairs


    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To establish and maintain control of the working paper of the organization.


    Gathers chapter records by January 31 of the next calendar year.

    Establishes and maintains retention schedules for specific records.

    Refers inactive records to the Manuscripts and University Archives Division of the University of Washington Libraries.

    Provides access to records as necessary.

    Informs chapter of MLA archival policy and developments.

    Identifies goals and objectives of committee and submits to Chair by April 1st.

    Prepares annual report in advance of f annual meeting; updates and sends to chair and Archivist by November 15.

    Develops and revises written policy and procedures for position.

    Communicates with Executive Board.

    Chair, Bylaws Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To insure a functional set of bylaws that govern and regulate the organization of PNC/MLA


    Coordinates and facilitates communication of committee members.

    Prepares annual report in advance of annual meeting; updates and sends to Chair and Archivist by date indicated. Prepares other reports as requested by the Executive Board or Chapter Chair.

    Maintains ongoing communication to Executive Board, through PNC/MLA Chair, about the committee's work.

    Makes recommendations for committee members and Chair for next Calendar year to PNC/MLA Chair as necessary. Members should be representative of the states and provinces whenever possible and practical, or as determined by the Bylaws.

    Develops and maintains policies and procedures for functioning of the committee. Brings to the committee suggestions for amendments that may have originated with individual chapter members, committee members, chapter officers, the Executive Board, the MLA Bylaws Committee, or MLA Headquarters.

    Coordinates discussion within committee of suggested amendments, and, if appropriate, seeks advice of Executive Board.

    Prepares text of proposed amendments for submission to MLA Bylaws Committee approval.

    Responds to any comments of MLA Bylaws Committee and obtains final approval.

    Prepares ballot for membership, including rationales for the amendments and conducts vote according to Chapter Bylaws.

    If approved, updates the Bylaws and submits to entities as directed by MLA Procedures: MLA Bylaws Committee Chair, MLA Headquarters, and Chapter Council Chair. Sends copy to PNC/MLA Webmaster for updating on the members’ only Chapter website.

    Maintains communication with MLA headquarters and the MLA Bylaws Committee as necessary.

    (Updated November 2018)

    Chair, Professional Development Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To assess need for, plan, offer and evaluate continuing education programs for PNC/MLA members.


    Coordinates and facilitates communication of committee members.

    Prepares annual report in advance of annual meeting; updates and sends to chair and Archivist by November 15th.

    Facilitates communication to Executive Board through Chair of PNC/MLA for Committee's work.

    Makes recommendations for committee members and Chair for next Calendar year to PNC/MLA Chair by November 1st. Members should be representative of the states and provinces whenever possible and practical, or as determined by the bylaws.

    Identifies goals and objectives of committee and submits to Chair by April 1st.

    Develops and maintains policies and procedures for functioning of the committee.

    Assists the CE committee for the CE at the annual meeting, and is a member of the Program Planning Committee. In conjunction with local members, plans and provides continuing education programs at annual and other meetings.

    Develops liaison with MLA Education Steering Committee and follows MLA manual guidelines.

    Recommends purchases of education programs for PNC/MLA regional use.

    Determines membership needs for continuing education.

    Evaluates continuing education programs offered or under consideration.

    Explores possibilities to co-sponsor, plan and provide educational offerings with other groups or individuals.

    By July 1st, sends PNC/MLA membership a notice of availability of professional development funds for annual meeting registration waivers (2).

    (Updated November 2018)

    Chair, Governmental Relations Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To foster awareness of the governmental processes and activities as they relate to PNC/MLA and its membership.


    Coordinates and facilitates communication of committee members.

    Prepares annual report in advance of annual meeting; updates and sends to chair and Archivist by November 15th.

    Facilitates communication to Executive Board through Chair of PNC/MLA for Committee's work.

    Makes recommendations for committee members and Chair for next Calendar year to PNC Chair by November 1st. Members should be representative of the states and provinces whenever possible and practical, or as determined by bylaws.

    Identifies goals and objectives of committee and submits to Chair by April 1st.

    Subscribes to electronic alerting service, where available, for each state in our region and informs members when action needs to be taken.

    Develops and maintains policies and procedures for functioning of the committee.

    Develops web site section.

    Keeps membership informed on current issues by best method available.

    Develops liaison with MLA Legislation Chair and MLA Headquarters.

    Develops, maintains and activates phone tree, electronic bulletin board, or other means of communication when necessary.

    Initiates actions to be taken by membership on issues important to library operations.

    (Updated May 2010)

    Chair, Membership Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:

    Membership (part of duties of Membership Secretary)


    To promote active membership in PNC/MLA by Medical/Health Sciences Librarians and Library/Information Science students within the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and Canada.


    Solicit a member from each state to serve on the membership committee.

    Direct the activities of the Membership Committee.

    Coordinate and facilitate communications between committee members to fulfill the purpose of the committee.

    Identify the committee's goals and objectives and submit them to the PNC/MLA Chair by April 1st.

    Communicate committee activities and issues to the Executive Board via e-mail messages, reports at the Spring and Fall Board Meetings, or through the PNC/MLA Chair.

    Prepare an annual report for presentation at annual meetings; forward final copy to the chair and archivist by November 15.

    Attend the Spring and Fall Executive Board Meetings and meet with committee members at the Annual Meeting.

    Recommend potential committee members and/or chair appointments for the next calendar year to the PNC/MLA Executive Board.

    Provide updated membership lists for the PNC/MLA Website prior to the Spring and Fall Executive Board Meetings and other times as needed.

    Chair, Mentoring and Recruitment Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To develop liaisons with students and new librarians with experienced medical librarians;
    to provide information on medical library opportunities such as internships and practicum; and
    to encourage potential library school students to consider medical librarianship.


    Coordinates and facilitates communication of committee members.

    Prepares annual report in advance of annual meeting; updates and sends to chair and Archivist by November 15th.

    Facilitates communication to Executive Board through Chair of PNC/MLA for Committee's work

    Makes recommendations for committee members and Chair for next calendar year to PNC/MLA Chair by November 1st. There should be one member from each state and province whenever possible and practical, or as determined by the bylaws.

    Identifies goals and objectives of committee and submits to Chair by April 1st.

    Develops and maintains policies and procedures for functioning of the committee.

    Informs membership of new items relating to the Committee.

    Responsible for developing and maintaining a web page that includes information on librarians in the region who would be willing to be a mentor or to have a practicum student or intern, and information on all library programs that provide practicum and/or internship opportunities for their students.

    Provides information about the mentoring programs in the Chapter to the Chapter Council Representative for the Chapter Council website.

    Explores possibilities to co-sponsor, plan and provide mentoring opportunities, such as open houses, new member receptions, etc.

    Chair, Nominating and Elections Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Bylaws (Past-Chair serves in this position)


    To name slate of candidates for chapter offices and to conduct chapter elections.


    Coordinates communication between Committee and Executive Board.

    Makes recommendations to Executive Board for committee members. Members may represent each state and province with more than five members, whenever possible and practical.

    Determines eligibility of candidates as stated in Bylaw

    Obtains written statement of willingness to serve and biography of each candidate.

    Emails ballots and candidate biographies to membership no later than 1 August or 6 weeks before the fall annual meeting.

    Assures that the results of election are verified by a minimum of two other Committee members before the Executive Board meeting at the annual meeting.

    Submits names to Chair by deadline in the Bylaws.

    Notifies all candidates of election outcome prior to business meeting at annual meeting.

    Announces results of election at business meeting at annual meeting.

    (Updated November 2018)

    Chair, Technology Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To inform PNC/MLA members of changing technologies in the field of library automation.


    Provides an occasional column to be published on the PNC/MLA Weblog in the Technology Committee section.

    Distributes submitted questions on areas of library automation and technology among committee members to be answered in the Technology Committee section of the PNC website.

    Works with the Professional Development Committee on ideas for workshops and classes in the area of library automation and technology.

    Identifies goals and objectives of committee and submits to Chair by April 1st.

    (Updated May, 2010)

    Chair, Conference Planning Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To provide consulting and resources for annual conference planning committees.


    Past, current and upcoming annual meeting chairs.
    At least one past meeting chair.
    Regional representation.


    Streamline conference planning process, especially in the areas of contracts, budgets, vendors, and registration.

    Provide templates, sample documentation, standard formats, timeline, checklists, and guidelines for annual meeting planning and production.

    Maintain archive of annual meeting experiences and specific documents to support meeting planning, including the planning manual.

    Solicits and incorporates, in conjunction with the annual meeting committee, revisions to the Conference Planning Manual annually.

    Includes documentation of changes to the Conference Planning Manual in the committee's annual report.

    Provide, maintain, and update database of vendor information.

    Insure that complete and up-to-date Conference Planning Manual is on the PNC/MLA Web site.

    Provide assistance to annual meeting planners and Board's conference planning duties.

    Investigate and recommend to Board methods to streamline conference planning.

    Identifies goals and objectives of committee and submits to Chair by April 1st.

    Program Chair, Annual Meeting

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To plan, organize and run the annual meeting.


    Identifies goals and objectives of committee.

    Develops and maintains policies and procedures with deadlines for functioning of the committee.

    Facilitates communication to Executive Board through Chair of PNC/MLA for committee's work and seeks approval of program plans.

    Prepares budget and fee schedule for approval by Executive Board 9 months prior to Annual Meeting, while adhering to bylaws stipulation of self-sustaining meeting.

    Selects committee members, establishes sub-committees and assigns sub-committee chair as needed.

    Develops program for meeting.

    Publicizes annual meeting.

    Arranges accommodations for meeting.

    Invites MLA President, President-Elect, or Past President to annual meeting by the beginning of June, to present the MLA Update.

    Coordinates peripheral events surrounding meeting and oversees all activities of the meeting.

    Prepares registration and information packets.

    Arranges for exhibitors.

    Revises guidebook before passing to next chair.

    Coordinates sub-committee work. Informs Executive Board of meeting progress. Evaluates annual meeting.

    Prepares written report (including financial statement to Treasurer) to Executive Board by November 15th.

    Designates person to take charge of fund borrowed from PNC/MLA to begin annual meeting expenses.

    (Updated November 2018)

    Chair, Publications Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board


    To enhance communicate within organization and to other organizations.


    Coordinates work of the PNC/MLA Web site and Weblog.

    Oversees the PNC/MLA Web site. PNC/MLA Web Editor is a member of the Publications Committee.

    Website areas: About PNC/MLA, Programs, Services, & Activities, MLA, and Links of Interest. This method of communication includes both current and archival information.

    Oversees the PNC/MLA Weblog. PNC/MLA Weblog Administrator is a member of the Publications Committee.

    Attends Executive Board meetings as ex-officio member.

    Complies with bylaws.

    Identifies goals and objectives of the committee and submits to Chair by April 1st.

    Prepares annual report in advance of annual meeting. Copies are sent to Chair and Archivist by November 15th.

    Revises written policy and procedure for position.

    Coordinates and facilitates communications of committee members to fulfill the purpose of the committee.

    (Updated May, 2010)

    AHIP Chapter Credentialing Liaison

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board


    Be an AHIP member at a regular or higher level.


    To promote the Academy of Health Information Professionals in the chapter by sharing information about the academy and encouraging membership.


    Encourage chapter members to pursue academy membership

    Answer questions about the academy.

    Read MLA and Credentialing Committee (CC) communications about the academy.

    Subscribe to the Credentialing Committee mailing list and participate in discussions.

    Forward issues raised by chapter members to Credentialing Committee.

    Suggested activities are available from the Academy section of the MLA Web site.

    Submits an annual report of activities to the Chapter Chair before the MLA annual conference each year.

    (Updated November 2018)

    MLA Nominating Committee Candidate

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Elected by:



    Only a Chapter member who is also a Voting Member or Fellow in MLA may be elected as Chapter candidate for the MLA Nominating Committee.

    No person shall consent to being Chapter candidate for the MLA Nominating Committee who has already agreed to be a candidate representing some other unit of MLA; no candidate for the MLA Nominating Committee shall also be a candidate for an elective office of MLA, or vice versa. No one shall serve on the MLA Nominating Committee as a voting member more than one term during a period of five years.


    The name of the Chapter candidate for the MLA Nominating Committee shall be forwarded, by the Chapter Representative, to the Chapter Council before its final assembly at the MLA annual meeting and shall be accompanied by a biographical statement and signed statement of willingness to serve if elected, from the candidate.

    If, before the Chapter Council's selection is made, it is known that the Chapter candidate will be unable to serve if elected, the Executive Board shall appoint another member as the Chapter candidate.

    Chair, Diversity Committee

    Responsible to:

    Executive Board

    Appointed by:

    Executive Board

    Purpose: To assess the need for, plan, offer and evaluate educational offerings related to diversity, equity, and inclusion for PNC/MLA members.


    PNCMLA member


    Coordinates and facilitates communication of committee members.

    Prepares annual report in advance of annual meeting; updates and sends

    to chair and Archivist by November 15th.

    Facilitates communication to Executive Board through Chair of PNC/MLA

    for Committee's work.

    Makes recommendations for committee members and Chair for next

    Calendar year to PNC/MLA Chair by November 1st. Members should be

    representative of the states and provinces whenever possible and

    practical, or as determined by the bylaws.

    Identifies goals and objectives of committee and submits to Chair by April


    Develops and maintains policies and procedures for functioning of the


    Determines membership needs for diversity, equity, and inclusion


    Evaluates diversity, equity, and inclusion educational programs offered or

    under consideration.

    Explores possibilities to co-sponsor, plan and provide educational

    offerings with other groups or individuals.

    (Updated September 2020)

    PNC/MLA Committee Chair Responsibilities

    All committee chairs


    Only Chapter members who are also Voting Members, Fellows, or Institutional Representatives in MLA may serve as Chair of Chapter committees.


    Coordinates and facilitates communications of committee members to fulfill the purpose of the committee.

    Identifies goals and objectives of the committee and submits to Chair ONE WEEK BEFORE THE SPRING BOARD MEETING.

    Communicates committee activities and issues to the Executive Board through the Chair of PNC/MLA.

    Prepares annual report for presentation at annual meetings; forwards final copy to the chair and archivist by November 15.

    Sends lists of committee members, goals, and objectives to the PNC/MLA Web Editor for posting.

    Sends written thank-you notes to all committee members after the annual meeting by November 15th.

    Outgoing chairs share wisdom, suggestions with incumbents. IN WRITTEN FORMAT.

    Meets with the Executive Board and also with committee members at the Annual Meeting as scheduled.

    Recommends potential committee members and/or chair appointments for the next calendar year to the PNC/MLA Chair Elect.

    (Updated November 2018)



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