Pacific Northwest Chapter
of MLA
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  • Continuing Education


Oregon Health and Science University

Collaborative Life Sciences Building

2730 SW Moody Ave

Select one option, CE classes are held concurrently. CE costs are not included in meeting registration.

CE Option 1. $125.00

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM "Finding Information in Numbers and Words: Data Analysis for Program Evaluation" (4 MLA contact hours).
Location: CLSB 1A005

Description:  Once you've collected evaluation data, what do you do with it? This workshop takes participants through a step-by-step process to analyze evaluation data and use results to make important decisions about a program. It covers methods to analyze quantitative and qualitative data that are applicable to many evaluation projects.  Participants will learn how to integrate findings from multiple sources to get a better understanding of a program's quality and worth. They will practice making program decisions based on evaluation data. The methods taught in this class can be learned easily by those with beginner-level experience in data analysis. This class features many hands-on activities, and one of them includes cookies!

Instructor: Cindy Olney, PhD

CE Option 2. $125.00 

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM "We're Way Past Peas: Uses of Genetic Information to Understand Human Health and Guide Health Care Decision Making" (4 MLA contact hours). 
Location: CLSB 1A007

Description: The intersections of genetics and health now include precision medicine, pharmacogenomics, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing. This class will focus on the information needs of clinicians who are incorporating genetic information into their practice, as well as the information needs of consumers who are making sense of genetic information as it relates to their health. We will (1) describe uses of genetic information in health care; (2) discuss challenges facing clinicians, consumers, and librarians working with rapidly changing genetic information; (3) provide an introduction to selected genetic medicine resources; and (4) give participants experience using NCBI genetic medicine resources to answer clinically-oriented questions. The course will be suitable for librarians who are relatively unfamiliar with genetics and genetics resources.

    Instructors: Diana Louden, MLib and Carolyn Martin, MLS, AHIP 

    Diana and Carolyn have been reading, studying, and attending seminars related to medicine and genetics, and they look forward to talking with you about new applications of genetics in health care and valuable information resources for you and your users

    Social Event after CE has been cancelled
    Registration is $40/person (not included in full conference package).  

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